Sunday, October 23, 2011


This experience has taught me a lot about myself, about others and about components within Occupational Therapy. I now view activities that i am involved in, especially cooking, in a new exciting way. Although many activities can be considered to be in more than one category that we discussed throughout this course, it is important to remember its main purpose in life and why we as individuals need to be apart of it.

I have now been able to make comments to the following students blogs

Thanks to everyone who has made comments on my blog posts. The feedback is very useful.
These are the references that i used throughout this blog:

Arendt, H. (1958). The human condition (2nd ed.). Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Ephron, N. (Director). (2009). Julie and Julia [Motion picture]. United States: Columbia Pictures.

Green, T. F. (1968). Work, leisure and the American schools. New York: Random House.

Hagedorn, R. (2000). Tools for practice in occupational therapy: A structures approach to core skills and processes. London: Churchill Livingstone.

Lawson, N. (2004). Feast:Food that celebrates life. London: Chatto & Windus.(this quote was also presented in BT127001 lecture notes)

Sunderland, J. (2010). Adaptive living occupation: BT127001 [Lecture notes]. Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago Polytechnic, Department of Occupational Therapy.

Sunderland, J. (2011). Participation in occupation: BT230001 [Lecture notes]. Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago Polytechnic, Department of Occupational Therapy.

This overall experience has been a lot of fun and i hope that you have enjoyed it as much as i have!!


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