Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Comments

I am having difficulty commenting on others blogs and so far no one has been able to fix this problem. So here are the comments I would make if i could:

On Kendyls Blog;
This is a very interesting post kendyl. I really enjoyed the video and that you commented on adjusting things to suit you. I also do this when cooking. Your lucky to have found a job that you enjoy so much!

On Janine's Blog:
You make some very interesting comments. i was never made to do the dishes as punishment, and as we normally use a dishwasher, i dont mind handwashing the dishes. But your right, things have certainly come a long way, men are almost expected to chip in and help out with the dishes.

On Judith's Blog:
I am really enjoying your blog Judith. I believe that knitting is a good way to fill in time. However, I am too impatient for it! You make a good point about your activity leading onto other activities. This had made me think about the other activities involved with my activity of cooking. I agree with wold be lovely to see some finished pieces of knitting!

On Shilmoni's Blog:
I think its wonderful that you not only take such pride i your cooking but also that food is an important part of your evening routines.You noted that consumption of food needs discipline, I believe that this is a very interesting point as a lot of people do not think about this as they eat wheatever is easiet to access and do not like wasting food so they eat far too much.

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