Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cooking influences

In our lecture on work there were discussions about what references would be appropriate to the activity that we were doing. It was suggested that the film Julie and Julia would be a good reference for cooking. I had watched this film not long ago and afterwards i had decided to make a meal based on a recipe from mastering the art of french cooking. In this film, Julie is influenced by Julia Child's passion for cooking. After watching this film some may believe that Julie seems obsessed with Julia stating "I wish i was more like her" (Ephron, 2009), but i believe that she sees Julia's love for cooking and wants this for herself. Julie's own life was heavily influenced by one person, Julia, whereas i believe that my decisions around cooking are influenced by many people and many things. When i decide to cook and what i do cook is normally influenced by what i have recently seen. This works the same when choosing a recipe. I will always choose a recipe that involves a picture that i consider to be appealing. I am more influenced to try a new recipe based on what it looks like rather than what ingredients are in it or what others comments are about it. I think that i am most influenced when i comes to cooking than any other areas of my life. Although i still make the decision of what and when to cook i believe that what i have seen my mum cook in the past and what i see in recipe books influence me the most.

Ephron, N. (Director). (2009). Julie and Julia [Motion picture]. United States: Columbia Pictures.

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